Tuesday, December 14, 2010


  1. Shutter-a mechanical device on a camera that opens and closes to control the time of a photographic exposure
  2. Shutter Speeds -
  1. Shutter Priority-Shutter priority refers to a setting on some cameras that allows the user to choose a specific shutter speed while the camera adjusts the aperture to ensure correct exposure.
  2. Exposure & how to set your camera for a good exposure-the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium. Set your camera on “M” for manual exposure for a good exposure
  3. Bulb- A separate setting in both shutter priority and manual mode that allows the photographer to set exposures longer than 30 seconds.
  4. Cable Release-the mechanisms attached to cameras that allow photographers to snap photos from a distance.
  5. Tripod-used for both still and motion photography to prevent camera movement.
  6. Light Meter-a device used to measure the amount of light
  7. Bracketing-a simple technique professional photographers use to ensure they properly expose their pictures, especially in challenging lighting situations.
  8. Hot Shoe-The matching adapter on the bottom of the flash unit slides in from the back of the camera

Find image examples of the following for your journal:

Slow Shutter Speed,

Fast Shutter Speed, Panning(running birds)
Painting with Light,
Multiple Exposures/Experiment

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Camera

1. SLR 
Single Lens Reflex Camera

2. TLR
 Twin Lens Reflex Camera

3. Lens  
An optical element which converges or diverges light

4. Shutter  
A photographic device that administers the exposure by limiting the time over which light is admitted
5. Shutter speed control  
Exposure time control
6. Aperture 
 A hole or an opening through which light travels
7. ASA/ISO/Film Speed
Film speed is the measure of a photographic film’s sensitivity to light
* American Standards Association (ASA)
* International Organization for Standardization(ISO)
8. ASA/ISO Dial
Dial is a graduated, circular scale over which a needle moves to show a measurement.
* American Standards Association (ASA)
* International Organization for Standardization(ISO)
9. Shutter Button
Shutter-release button  is a button found on many cameras, used to take a picture. When pressed, the shutter of the camera is “released”, so that it opens to capture a picture, and then closes.
10. Rewind Knob
A knob that winds back the film

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


1.       Where did you set up your camera first?
The Rocky Mountain
2.      Why did you select the area to survey?
Because squirrel was there
3.      How long did you remain in the same area?
Almost 20 minutes
4.      What sort of images did you capture?
Hallway of school and animals
5.      Were you satisfied with the results? Why or why not?
Yes, because squirrel was cute
6.      Describe your favorite image; explain why it is your favorite.
I like this picture because the squirrel was glaring at me
7.      How did you feel while you were taking the photos? Anxious, awkward…
I was nervous because squirrel will run away